Get to the Shelf Quickly and Affordably

An added percentage over the orders placed through our B2B Marketplace covers the service. Our fee is added to the price chosen by the supplier for its product. The percentage is added and not deducted, so Spanish suppliers will always get the net price they set for their products.

Our risk-free distribution model enables brands of any size to access our export services without any initial capital investment. If no orders are placed the brand has no economic or reputational cost. The supplier always benefits from being on our platform: a free digital catalog that will give them exposure and the chance of being discovered Europe-wide.

Unlike traditional distributors, we do not add unjustified and random margins to product prices. Brands grow at their own pace, with full control over the price, promotions and knowing at all times the price at which European retailers are going to purchase their products in our B2B Marketplace.

Service fees are volume-based. The more volume you move through Spainery, the lower your percentage, making your products´ prices even more competitive.


Spainery B2B


1. Start Up 2. Lift off 3. Boost
Added Fee 25% 22% 19%
Net Sales € 0 – €999 per month € 1.000 – €1.999 per month €2,000+ per month
Spainery Drop 10%*

* Spainery Drop

Any European retailer can place orders on our B2B Marketplace with the Spainery Drop format. At a 10% service fee, we take care of logistics (direct international expedition from the supplier’s warehouse), order management, invoicing, payments and customer service while Spanish suppliers ship directly to the retailer. The special fee will be applied automatically when the shopping cart contains products from a single supplier.

SPAINERY – Amazing Spanish Products
13005 Ciudad Real, Ciudad Real, Spain
+34 621 02 12 65
+49 176 20 63 86 97